The company's expertise comes from both personal experience of the founders, which constitutes "lent experience" of ProTeA, as well as projects implemented by the company itself. Individually the partners have participated in design and/or implementation of numerous projects of various thematic areas and under the "umbrella" of different actors. Additionally, ProTeA has designed and implemented projects that strengthen its experience.
An indicative list with implemented EU & National projects i.e. MED, INTERREG, LIFE +, Leonardo, ERASMUS +, URBACT, and other transnational and sectoral National Strategic Reference Framework) is provided below by subject.
- ARRIVAL CITIES - "Managing global flows at local level", URBACT, 2016-present
- IRIS - "Innovative educational resources to promote equal participation in grassroots sport and to tackle discrimination, racism and violence", ERASMUS+ Sports, 2015-2016
- LPMnage - "Learn Play Manage", Leonardo da Vinci, 2012-2014
- StartCompent - "Start up a Competent Enterprise", Leonardo Da Vinci 2006-2008
- SeMiNET - "Services for immigrants network", Interreg Greece-Italy 2000-2006
- Measure 5.3 - "Regional Initiatives of employment in Achaia Prefecture", Regional Operational Programme of Western Greece 2000-2006
- Measure 5.3 - "Complete Interventions in favor of women", Action Plan "Vigilance"
- Measure 6.2.2 - "Promotion of comparative advantages of intervention regions", Regional Operational Programme of Western Greece 2000-2006
- KETA DE - "Centre of Entrepreneurship and Technological Development of the Western Greece, Operational Programme "Competitiveness" 2000-2006
- EMMA - "Entrepreneurship Methodology Mediterranean Assistance", Programme MED
- Fit for e-commerce - "New-Business-Training-Programme for Disadvantaged", Leonardo Da Vinci II
- BIOGAIA - "Development of Sustainable biogas strategies for integrated agro industrial waste management", Interreg Greece-Italy 2007-2013
- INTEGRASTE - "Development of integrated agro industrial waste management politics maximizing materials recovery and energy exploitation", LIFE +
- F:ACTS! - "Forms for adapting to climate change through territorial strategies", Interreg IVC
- NATPRO - "Strategic Plans for Restoration Protection & Ecotourism Promotion in Natura 2000 sites which are devastated by natural disasters", Interreg Greece-Italy 2007-2013
- WAS4D - "Water saving for development", Interreg Greece-Italy 2007-2013
- ENVEARTHONARY - "Multilingual Dictionary of Environmental and Earth Sciences", Leonardo Da Vinci II
- ICE - "Innovation, Culture and Creativity for a new Economy", Interreg Greece-Italy 2007-2013
- La Bottega Delle Voci II, Interreg Greece-Italy 2007-2013
- ARCHEOTOUR - "Applied Research on cultural heritage and environmental opportunities for tourism", Interreg IIIA Greece-Italy 2000-2006
- REGNET - "Cultural Heritage in regional networks"
- PPP4Broadband - "Τackling the Broadband Gap in SEE Rural areas through PPP model", South East Europe Programme
- ITPORT - "Innovating Communication technologies of ports for their improvement and regional development to be achieved", Interreg IIIA Greece-Italy 2000-2006
- Enhancing Computer Studies at the Greek Open University, 2008
- OPSP - "Integrated Information System RegionsRegions", 2007
- LOCPRO II - "Support and Promotion of Local Products and SMEs through ICT", Interreg Greece-Italy 2007-2013
- RURAL/ITER - "Reintroduction Upon Rural Agricultural Lands of Innovative Training for Entrepreneurs on Return", Leonardo da Vinci
- ProMyLife - "How to better protect myself in major emergencies", Interreg IIIA Greece-Italy 2000-2006
- IDIRA - "Interoperability of data and procedures in large scale multinational disaster response actions", FP7
- PROMPT - "Proactive Human Response to Wildfires Outbreak: Measure and Prepare for it", INTERREG IVC
In addition, the founders have implemented a number of other actions such as:
- Planning, preparation and submission of proposal for co-funded projects in frame of EU and National Programmes
- Development of the Special Plan for Wildfire Confrontation for Achaia Prefecture
- Certification of Management Competence for the Development Enterprise of Achaia, Western Greece Region, Technical Chamber Dept. of Western Greece & Holy Church of Kalavryta-Aigialia
- Set up and operation of Achaia Prefecture and Western Greece Region presence in national/international tourism fairs
- Organization of scientific workshops, meetings and dissemination events
- Evaluation of investment plans submitted under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) for private companies