ProTeA's partners-founders, that offer counseling and management services, are distinguished for their dedication, professionalism, respect to the client's needs and their scientific competence and know-how.


tower iconPanagiotis Vafeidis, company manager, holds a diploma in Electrical & Computing Engineering, with Master degrees in Engineering Project Management and in Electronics & Information Management. He has worked as a consultant and as a project manager for 11 years for various organizations. He specializes in the preparation, submission and implementation of the co-financed programmes, in developing project proposals and in corporate networking.

arrow iconGeorgia Galani is an economist, B’ class accountant, holds a masters degree in Business Administration and has a 9-year experience in the design and implementation of co-financed projects and specializes in financial monitoring of projects, quality assurance and monitoring private equity plans. She is a member of the assessors’ registry for the Ministry of Development. 


ProTeA PC features additional external partners so as to ensure in any case the ability to provide services to a wide range of subjects and outweigh any special needs and requirements of individual projects/ studies underway.